Tuesday, March 21, 2006

49/365 Amy

Now that she’s almost divorced, she seems happier, lighter. Perhaps she’s no longer—as she once accused her brother, who was slowly eating his M&Ms one by one in the backseat just to torture her on that long vacation drive—saving it on purpose.


Blogger Otter said...

There must be some cosmic M&M thing in the air today. I also wrote about M&M's.
How is it that often almost-divorced is lighter and happier than almost married?

March 21, 2006 10:03 AM  
Blogger B Kiddo said...

Being a former "almost-divorced" person I can speak from experience. It is when the decision is made and the process has begun that you know your life will go on. Making the decision is tha hard part. And M&M's are best "unsaved".

March 21, 2006 1:50 PM  
Blogger ntexas99 said...

"almost divorced" is so much further along the path than "barely married" ... and I have to agree about the M&M's ... if they aren't melting in your mouth, then they're being wasted

March 23, 2006 2:05 AM  

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