309/365 Yoshi
The well-meaning force-feed him sweets at office birthday parties. He has no natural affinity for processed sugar. But get him talking about fine dining and wines, compare restaurant notes, and you can read every review in his eyes, even before the words tumble out.
Is he a restaurant reviewer? I always thought that that would be my dream job (or movie critic).
Nope, just a guy who likes really good food and really good wine and who lives here, like me, where great meals are scarce. (And if you every write restaurant or movie reviews, I will happily read them!)
Sweetie, why in the world haven't you written a novel or ten? You have such an amazing gift for description and characterization.
I don't think I have the atten...look, a dusting of snow!
Ha you guys are so funny.
Maybe you and Yoshi could write a book.
If you think you haven't got the attention, try Nanowrimo! Its great. I love the way you capture the feel of someone in 44 words.
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