Inspired by Fat Red Ant, who was inspired by Dan Waber, I am taking up the challenge to write about 365 memorable people whose paths have crossed mine. The form is 44 words, in honor of the number of years spent running into them.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
331/365 A Seventh John
I wish I’d heard him play at the World Trade Center’s Cellar in the Sky, where he was once a fixture. Our guitarist friend is a fine musician happy to play with others, no matter their relative ability. Music excites him in its aliveness.
Wow, if you're out of the loop, I'd hate to think what I am. I stopped listening to the radio in the 80s and have pretty much discovered all music since then by other means. Which means I miss a lot of loops.
This morning the newspaper had one of those best-of/year-end reviews in music. I didn't recognize even a fraction of the bands and performers.
I'm officially out of the loop.
Wow, if you're out of the loop, I'd hate to think what I am. I stopped listening to the radio in the 80s and have pretty much discovered all music since then by other means. Which means I miss a lot of loops.
Mmmm....I think we should organize a x365 blog party and invite John.
Susan: I like this idea.
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