137/365 Evan
Long ago, when Evan was a baby, his mother thought she’d found blood in his urine. This was eventually traced to the half-smokes we’d picnicked on in a shaded garden off the National Mall. We ate them, she breastfed him, he peed red. Ew.
Thank goodness for google, or I would have gone through the rest of this 365 thing thinking Indigo Bunting seems normal, but she eats cigarette butts.
Had the "ew" of eating them not occured to you? ;-D
Speaking of breastfeeding, what is it with so many mothers (often of the crunchy Birkenstock sort) breastfeeding their babies in public without even a drape? Where do you look when you're talking to them? It's almost like they're flashing you, and you can't even laugh.
MM: Glad you found it on Google.
FRA: The "ew" of eating them, like hot dogs, only occurs to you if you let it. They tasted amazing. Of course, the "ew" occurs to you more often after you realize how far the dye can travel.
SY: It is certainly difficult to ignore an exposed breast.
You see, SY, Birkenstocks are so unsexy (rumor has it they can be used as birth control) that when you balance them against the exposed breasts (actually only one breast at a time...unless twins are involved), it all evens out.
LOL Susan...
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